
Diablo 2 assassin skill
Diablo 2 assassin skill

diablo 2 assassin skill

Niveau 6: 5 en dextérité, 1 point dans A deux mains. The best part about a Kicksin is she is a one-point-wonder for Uberkilling.For your amulet, get your hands on a +1 or +2 to all assassin skills amulet, or any unique amulet that adds to your skills, or any amulet that adds to your life stealing ability. The player will at some point have to farm for their best in slot items to be as strong as possible. Power Level Chronicon: lvl 100 - 5min Third Party, Resurrection, Anima Monster Levels Leveling, XP Zones, Diablo 2 Quests. The Smiter is one of the only known class's that can successfully kill Uber Lilth, Uber Duriel and Uber Izaul as well as Uber Tristram's Uber Mephisto, Uber Diablo, and Uber Baal solo.

diablo 2 assassin skill

The only limiting factor in comparison to the Smiter is the need for Attack Rating. Hit UberD with a Smite blow while wielding weapon 2.

Diablo 2 assassin skill